Privacy Policy
The online division of Glow Halloween is dedicated to preserving your privacy. This privacy policy explains how the data you provide on this website is processed and used by Glow Halloween.
If you have concerns about this privacy policy or concerns about our data collection procedure, please contact us at shop@glowparties.caÂ
Personal identifiable information is any information you provide to us that may be used to identify you. This can include your name and email.
As a user on Glow Halloween 's website, we guarantee that your personal identifying information is preserved with the highest degree of confidentiality. Your personal contact information is never sold, leased or shared with a third party and is used exclusively for the purposes of communication and reward allocation.
The information given during the registration process is used exclusively for marketing purposes. We use your email address to send information and discounts on our products.
Glow Halloween’s website uses cookies on its registration form and member portal login. The cookies used on the registration form and member portal login allow our system to store information previously submitted, so that the user does not have to retype the information. The cookies expire when the member logs out of the portal. The cookies used in the surveys keep track of the user session so that the user can resume a survey where they left off rather than having to restart the survey. Cookies are not used to collect user data.
While we sincerely hope that you will enjoy your experience on Glow Halloween’s website, we respect your decision to opt out of receiving any details from us. You will no longer receive any sort of Glow Halloween emails once you unsubscribe.
Glow Halloween understands the risks involved in transmitting information over the Internet and takes this matter very seriously. Our website encrypts all information using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. For further questions regarding our security practice and policy, please feel free to contact us via the contact information provided below.
For more information, questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or practice, please don't hesitate to contact us at